It's white just because.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hypocrisy Hippo

Things haven't really been the same for the past week now. I guess it still isn't over, the whole thing. It sucks when people don't understand what you're going through and all, when it's not easy to tell them; When the enemy is your very self. All you want to do is distract yourself from the real things in life, because isn't that what everyone's doing? Hell, it might not make you very happy but at least it takes your mind off them. You know sometimes people around you are such big hypocrites, but you can't judge them because you know you're one too. They think they know it all, and that you're just a pretentious asshole trying to rain on their egoistic parade. People don't like their bubbles of reality popped, it's a fact. So they're content in their current state and choose to ignore everything around them, except for what concerns them.

But these people, choosing to ignore the real problems in life, are the same people who complain about poverty, starvation, disasters, poor education and yet everyday they just sit there eating and sleeping away in their own comforts. They know the problem, they give a little every now and then but they don't want to solve the problem. And when people tell them how, they just brush it away because it'll ruin their whole world view and probably guilt them.

These people are the same narcissistic people who think everything in life that is important is about them. They think that everyone else is wrong and they're the only one who knows what they're doing, and where they're going. They think that they're better than everyone else and yet they fail to see the irony, that in the midst of all of their ambition, that nothing actually matters. So what if you dream big? So what if you've already started working toward your future? The fragility of life is such that I don't know if I'll be alive the very next hour, let alone the next day. People know this is true, but they tuck it away in the far corners of their minds and cover it under layers of ignorance, ego, and work. They just don't want to face the reality of death and judgement.

Hypocrisy is the biggest disease among people. Alfred Adler once said that "It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them." Which is very true. I look at people around me, and how many of them actually live up to what they believe in? How many of them are actually living what they believe in? Most Christians turn to God only in bad times and even so how many really trust that he takes care of them? They just pray for help and then carry on trusting on their own efforts to solve problems.

It's very difficult to face up to your own demons. I urge you, who are reading, to re-evaluate your life. What have you accomplished? Are you actually living up to your own morals? Do you actually practice what you preach? Are you truly happy in life? Are you truly contented? One thing about contentment that I've learnt is that it's not easy to achieve. Most people think that they are, but when you start questioning them they tell you they can't live without a lot of things. The true test of contentment is in times of want. Many people tell me, "I'm finally contented because I have (a certain thing that they've always wanted)." But is that true contentment? Can you truly say, "I'm contented because I don't have what I want, but I still have air to breath, clothes to wear, shelter to sleep under and food to eat." or "I am contented because I have God." Are you truly contented with life?

For Christians: Have you ever prayed to God and not asked Him for anything? But that you were just thankful for His beautiful creation?

For Non-Christians: What is it you hope to obtain in life? Achieve in this fragile reality? If your existence is that of a light bulb, that may switch off any second. Why do you work so hard for? If the world were billions of years old, and your existence is a mere fraction of history, almost seemingly worthless. Even people who made history, don't matter? What's 100 years ago, compared to billions of years later when the world would crumble to dust and everything cease to exist?

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