It's white just because.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cauliflowers Are Not Flowers Contrary to Not-so-popular Belief

Hi all. This is Day 2 of my blogging "spree", and I can only hope that this obsession keeps up. I've decided to come up with very clever tag lines for my blog because I am that creative. They probably won't make any sense but neither does anything here, so theres a common theme. I deserve some sort of award for this.

So it seems that Monday is screw-it-I'm-not-gonna-do-any-work-today day for almost everyone. All the guitarists who I've asked for help seem to be extra busy on this particular day. Maybe they just don't want to help and I'm too naïve (yes, it's spelled with an "ï" because it's French and that makes it cool to use it) to know that...or am I? Down with guitarists!! I think I just offended 90% of the world's musicians, if they even know I typed this here at all. So anyway, tomorrow would be record-a-crappy-drum-demo-for-my-POD-2-assignment day. Hoorah!

This weekend has been particularly boring for me, given that I've lost contact with almost all my old friends and have become very VERY distant from my current friends. It's very depressing, but that's life. Nobody likes me anyway. My natural sarcasm tends to repel people. Screw that! Who needs friends.

It seems that there are people who celebrate Halloween but I'm not close to them at all. Maybe I should hang out more with these people, because they seem to have heaps of fun while I sit at home on the computer doing boring things like blogging (to mice elf). My post seems to be very friendship centric, but it's only because on this weekend I seem to be particular aware that I am at home alone...a lot. And I see a lot of people posting pictures of them having so much fun on Halloween with all the dress up shit and I'm not jealous but just wish I was doing something more fun than staying home and wishing I were out...seriously.

I think I have a mild case of bi-polar disorder. Maybe not a "disorder" and it's not the sort that makes me violent for no reason but rather it makes me mildly depressed. However according to medical definitions, I am not depressed because I can still function normally in my everyday activities. So yay for me. I just think I'm depressed but actually I'm not. But who cares, right?

There was a turtle who crawled out of the sea. It was very tiresome and required much effort because the coarse sand and tiny stones and broken shells were rubbing against her belly as she struggled along. Finally she got far enough from the water and started digging. She dug for about 15 minutes until she was satisfied with how deep it was and then she began to lay her eggs in it. After the ordeal she covered the pit and made her journey back into the sea, feeling sad as she left because she knew she'd never see her little turtle babies ever again.

During the course of incubation, while the eggs were lying motionless in the sand, there were people who were trampling all over the beach. The immense pressure caused several eggs to be crushed under the pressure of the weight on them. Also there were hungry crabs who found the nest of eggs and began to feed on them. However there were still about 50 eggs left unharmed and after the 56-day incubation period, the baby turtles began to emerge from the eggs.

A few of them suffocated from digging in the wrong direction and die due to a lack of oxygen and perhaps out of boredom and only 38 baby turtles were left. These turtles managed to crawl out onto the beach and seeing the water they tried to move their flippers clumsily and finally started towards the sea and into freedom.

Some seagulls were perched nearby and they saw the baby turtles struggling like bumbling fools on the sand. One seagull called out to signal that it was dinner time and the flock of seagulls descended upon their unfortunate prey. Of all 38 turtles only 12 were left, and they managed to make it into the waters with minor scratches which resulted from their frantic flailing on the rough sand.

Getting into the water didn't determine their safety. There were seagulls lurking on the beach waiting for weak turtles to be washed ashore. The baby turtles fought against the currents and went into the deep, where all of them save one were eaten up by bigger fish. The lone turtle managed to find other fellow turtles to be with. When she grew up and it was her turn to go and lay her eggs, she bade her husband goodbye and swam to shore. Upon reaching the shore, she was promptly scooped up by some locals and brought back to their kitchen, where she was killed and made into turtle soup.

So son, this is where turtle soup comes from. Now finish it up.

Have a great day tomorrow. 

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