It's white just because.

Monday, November 16, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons, Take It - It Helps Distract You From Evil Things

Hello people. I'm so happy today because I've completed 99% of Songwriting A2, Completed 85% of MUMI A3 and Songwriting A3, Songwriting A4 is going smoothly, I've completed 70% of REMT (have to add strings, mix and master it, and report), and POD 1 and 2 are progressing rather alright (except for the website and animation).

Just some points I'd like to address to a good friend of mine, regarding life and all that jazz. It's also a good self-reflection on my personal life.

  1. Advice is personal. I used to think that when you listened to peoples' problems they wanted your advice. But now I realized that's not the case at all. People just want to vent their frustrations, and get everything out and spread out so they can organize and solve it themselves. That, and not looking like a crazy person talking to themselves. Unless they ask you for it, it's best to shut up. This I learnt from countless failures. But a funny thing about advice is that it's personal. What works for someone may not work for others, more often than not it won't work. There's no good advice, just as there is no bad advice. And one should always take it with a pinch of salt.
  2. I know I'm not really a pleasant person and sometimes I take it too far with the criticisms and sarcasm. Though I try not to do that too much, sometimes I just can't help it. And as much as I'd like to apologize, I'm not the sort of person who gets emotional and sorts. So to everyone I've wronged out there, I'm really sorry.
  3.  The funny thing about people is that they want what they can't have. The harder it is to achieve, the more they want it..and the moment they get it, they move on. That's life, it's very hard to treasure what you have when you don't know what it's like not to have it.
  4. Life is a funny thing. No matter what you achieve on earth, it'll all result in nothing. What is 100 years compared to eternity. He who hangs on to his life will lose it, and he who loses it for God will keep it. Life is death, and death is life - that's the irony of it. That's why I'm looking forward to the day I die, because life on earth is not worth it.
  5. Sometimes no matter how hard you look for lime, life just gives you lemons and put mulberry bushes to fool you. That's life, not everyone has the privilege to do what they want to do. But then again, is life about doing what you want to do, or what God wants you to do. It's a personal struggle for me, and I still can't release my kite no matter how hard I want to. My fingers are clenched together and stuck that way.
  6. I'm glad that I told my parents that I loved them and how much I appreciate them. Even though I know that they know I do, they're doing a dangerous work for God. And who knows if God calls either of my parents or me back to his presence, at least I'll know that I've told them. I really appreciate my dad for being my mentor and my mom for being there for me through a lot of things. Parents are great people.
  7. Contentment is one of the human race's greatest struggles among all things. Material things, due to their temporal value, do not last. Thus they are never enough. That's why I'm trying hard to give up on material things. That's not to say that I've succeeded or that I'm gonna sell everything, but I'm learning to give everything up to God. And if I can, one day I'm gonna sell all my belongings and live the simple life. For I believe man can subsist on Love, Music and God alone.
  8. Talent is a funny thing. Do read my story about the Goats.
  9. Enjoy life and look forward to death. The world is evil and grim, but do you have anything to look forward to in the afterlife? Or do you believe in no afterlife? No matter how bleak life may seem, find joy in the littlest things; trees, flowers, butterflies, rabbits, kittens, ice, mountains, Love. For with Love, life will be much better.
  10. God is just
  11. Matthew 5:48 "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
  12. Life is a dream. We go to sleep and wake up in death, and there you find Life, as a dream.

Today's story is not original, but it's a very interesting one. Many people read it and just look on the surface, they think they know the meaning of the story and they just tuck it into the back of their minds. Read this again, and reflect on the author's true intention of the story and what it means to be a "frog in a well".

There was a frog that lived in a shallow well.

" Look how well off I am here ! " he told a big turtle from the Eastern Ocean. " I can hop along the coping of the well when I go out, and rest by a crevice in the bricks on my return. I can wallow to my heart's content with only my head above water, or stroll ankle deep through soft mud. No crabs or tadpoles can compare with me. I am master of the water and lord of this shallow well, What more can a fellow ask ? Why don't you come here more often to have a good time ? "

Before the turtle from the Eastern Ocean could get his left foot into the well, however, he caught his right calw on something. So he halted and stepped back then began to describe the ocean to the frog.

" It's more than a thousand miles across and more than ten thousand feet deep. In ancient times there were floods nine years out of ten yet the water in the ocean never increased.

And later there were droughts seven years out of eight yet the water in the ocean never grew less. It has remained quite constant throughtout the ages. That is why I like to live in the Eastern Ocean. "

Then the frog in the shallow well was silent and felt a little abashed.

Have a great day. 

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