It's white just because.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am furious, with myself for not being super-motivated to achieve what I want, and with the world for being satisfied with mediocrity. I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I slip into resting in my comfort zone, not wanting to move out. But when I notice this gets too far, I jerk myself into motion and get things done. I wonder why isn't everyone the same.

How the hell can people be satisfied living an "average" life? Accepting what is given to them, or what falls on their laps and whatever is out of their reach, they don't bother to get up and go for it. And if this isn't bad enough, some people even HATE the people who actually work for things in life. They come up with all sorts of justifications that these "achievers" are simply behaving badly and dictate what people SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do based on their own biasness and standards (or the standards society imposes on them).

"Music cannot earn me much money.If I want to do music I MUST follow THIS path. Anyone else who thinks otherwise will NEVER make it and they are NOT thinking about their future." This is absolute bullshit. First of all, I'm fine if more people think this way, it just means more opportunities for me. But what takes it overboard is when they impose their closed-minded values onto me and how I live my life.

I believe that I should do what I enjoy doing and even if it means just living hand-to-mouth, I do not mind. Who are you to tell me that I "will never make it" and that "I'm too young to understand it now". I have my goals and my plans in front of me, and as I move along in life I change things to suit my situation. But it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about my future; that I am not planning ahead. If you want to live your average 8-5, get married and have kids and work to support them, kind of lifestyle, go ahead. But don't tell me what I can or can not do.

I say that "confidence is half the battle won" and you say that is cliche. Yet you NEVER have confidence and fail, and you blame your failures on everything else. I share with you what works for me and what I believe to be true, it's alright if you don't accept it. But if you're so quick to reject ideas before even trying them and want to live in your close-minded world of mediocrity, go ahead.

Seriously, what is it with people saying they "cannot" do anything? That "some things are just meant to be like that" and that we "have to follow and submit to authority". These are the people who live average lives, and who have no impact on ANYTHING at all. In all history - Science and Arts - it was the REBELS who revolutionized the world. From Galileo Galilei to Isaac Newton, from Miles Davis to Michael Jackson. These were the people who made history. So what's with you people telling me that I should "listen to authority because that's what we SHOULD do" and that "they are right". And pushing me to "challenge the SAF". Damn right I'll challenge the SAF to anything I feel that isn't right. I'm not a rebel without a cause, I actually use my brains, unlike you social robots who listen to whatever people who claim to be authority tell you to do.

If you haven't heard of the Milgram Experiment, do read it here. This is exactly the type of people you are. Mindless and heartless.

And lastly, it seems that people fear what they don't understand and are very quick to judge people before even knowing what is going on. I've been reading a lot of dating and social dynamics, what people think is socially unacceptable and treating women like objects. People tend to be quick to throw judgements of what THEY think it is before even knowing what it is.

A news (yes, the supposedly UNBIASED news) report caught my attention. Even these media are quick to throw in their judgement and twist the whole story to what they want it to sound like. And you think you get the truth from news. That's why I only read news from the PEOPLE and most of the time, from multiple sources.

Anyway what this video is about is a ABC reporting on a dating company, Love Systems. They think that people who join these programs are sexually-repressed nerds who are looking to manipulate women to have sex with them. There may be a minority of such cases, but they don't see the big picture. These companies are teaching men to be SOCIALLY confident, to treat women, hot or normal, as PEOPLE. Instead of putting beautiful women on pedestals and being afraid of them.

There is no magic bullet, unlike what most people may assume. These dating coaches aren't teaching lines for men to attract women, they are teaching lifestyles and building characters. Society enforces the fact that beautiful women (models and celebrities) are better than the average person, and that it is near impossible to get a woman of that caliber. The media DRILLS that into the head of every man from the second he enters the world.

What these companies are doing are breaking that mental barrier. Showing that beautiful women are just normal people and helping you smash that mindset by putting you OUT there and showing you personally that it's as easy to approach a beautiful woman as it is, a "normal person".

The reasons why they have lines is so that there is NO excuse not to approach. And the "classroom" lectures are basically just a breakdown of what people know instinctually, but cannot emulate when under the pressure. It's a lot like music. We learn music theory not to play music or to compose, but we learn music theory to understand and analyze music. But when we're playing, we're flowing from the soul.

Likewise, when they teach social dynamics, they are merely pointing out to you what goes on in a desirable interaction, but when you actually go out and have a conversation with someone, you don't actually "apply the tactics".

Social interaction is a skill set, but unfortunately people overlook this. They think they are great communicators and that they are above this. Yet they see a model and they are afraid to approach because they feel that they don't deserve someone of that social status. Even if they do, their lack of confidence kills them before they even open their mouths.

Of course there are people who are natural speakers, but not everyone is born equal. So my whole point up till here is to say this one thing: Don't be satisfied with mediocrity. Push yourselves to your limits until you actually DIE.

Of course the social-brainwashed will just brush this off as cliche, and nonsense. But whatever, the more of these kind of people in the world, the better for me too.

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