It's white just because.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I've always been one to be complaining about the system, how we shouldn't fall into it and all that. Perhaps largely due to a certain person's influence coupled with my laziness. It's not that I'm still against the system or that I've totally changed my beliefs. If I believe in something it's because I usually have strong reasons to do so, it's not because I am closed-minded, it's because I usually try to find out as much facts before judging anything or anyone. I try not to be so quick to judge people. Some might think that just because I've been a Christian for so many years, that I am being closed-minded. It's hilarious to the point that I would just ignore that certain comment.

Anyway back to talking about the system, it's actually much bigger than we would imagine. This system I hate so much is the the political, educational, economical, religious and social system. And it's bigger than just Singapore alone, it concerns the entire world. It's more than what a few protests can change. I was never a person to fight the system, and I wouldn't dream of changing the system. I have no better alternatives to present to people; I personally wouldn't make a good leader. But as I've always said, and the reason why I'm against the system, that the cause of all the world's problems is the human condition, or as the yogis would put it - the body-consciousness of people. It's not something anyone can change overnight, and it's not something that anyone can achieve. You can't change the hearts of people, and that's the reason why the System will always be flawed. That's why I never liked talking about politics and change, solely because I don't believe anything would work.

Instead of talking about changing external things why don't we work to change ourselves first? Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror speaks precisely and truly on this topic, yet most people just sing the words but don't take it seriously. Talk about revolution is just a bunch of bullshit, there's no point replacing a flawed system with another flawed system without removing the root of the problem in the first place.

Many people are ignorant to this fact and that's why they find it impossible to imagine a heaven; a utopia. Their world view and mindset is limited (intentionally) to what they see around them, the physical world and the world System right in front of them, time, space and subjectivity. They are unable to perceive or accept anything outside their senses, no matter how logical. These people are the true closed-minded people. They talk a lot of air, which have no substance.

When I say the reason why I don't talk much because I believe that if someone has nothing of substance to say, it's better that he doesn't speak at all, I was saying it in half-jest. Everyone just laughed it off, because all their lives they've been taught to speak words of no value; that it's better to be the empty vessel that makes a lot of noise than the wise man of few words. I'm not trying to be pretentious, I just don't subscribe to the post-modernistic world view of ignorance. I refuse to be stupid, to put it bluntly.

Science teaches us about the body, Philosophy teaches us about the mind and Spirituality teaches us about the heart. It is these three aspects that make us who were are, unfortunately most people stop at the first aspect. They think they are just a body, they study science and accept scientific theory as truth. They rely so much on their senses and their lives are merely guided by the natural world around them. They let circumstances decide how they should live their lives instead of taking it by the reins and living as how they should or would. So don't tell me how to live my life, don't tell me to live my life the way you do because that's not living.

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