It's white just because.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Crazy my head

Today is one of those days where I don't know what to think. It's like I just wake up and it's the same boring routine of going to the computer and watching YouTube videos, surfing forums and going to Digg to see what's new on current events. Not that I really give a crap about current events. I can say I'm pretty much willfully oblivious to the world around me, not the same as willful ignorance. But I just read up a little bit so that when people talk about it, I wouldn't have nothing to say.

My muse is still on her vacation. Looking forward to my trip down under. It'll be a new experience for me and hopefully Inspiration will find me there and I'll come back to Singapore with a whole new collection of songs and pictures. Might bring my guitar over to cure the boredom. Pack a few days worth of clothes and bring my guitar over, travel like a true musician.

Still unsure of what we'll really be doing there. It'll be my first time to Perth so everything would probably have the novelty factor to them. I guess I'll finally get to experience for myself how boring the place really is, as per what everyone who's been there says.

So I've been trying to stay in these few days too so I can cut down on my spending. As many people know (and still keep asking), I am not currently looking for a job. It's not because I'm lazy or irresponsible. It's just that I have plans for my life right now and there are things I want to get done before I don't have the time anymore. When I get into NS, I might not be able to produce my EP which I have been conceptualizing since Year 2. It's been so long, and I want to get it done. Though some might think that I'm wasting time because I don't write every day. It's because my brain is dry right now. Perhaps I need to get out there and expose my mind to the world again, being cooped up in my room is quite counter-productive.

Maybe I should just go out and read, do some people-watching, and perhaps people-talking. Spend some "me" time. But then again, my finances do not allow me to do so. I have to watch my spending and hope I have enough cash to spend on Australia. I don't want to rely too much on my family if I can. I'm a big boy now.

So I submitted "Moment" to the SOUL Songwriting Competition which is organized by FaithActs and if I remember correctly, the judging/voting will commence tomorrow (or today). I really hope I can win at least one of the top 3 spots (which means extra spending munniez, yeah!). But honestly I don't want it to be a popularity contest, even though I know most people who enter the contest will just ask their friends to vote for them. However, due to personal integrity, I'll just let people know of the contest and vote for whoever they think is the best (which I hope would be mine :D)

It's 6 in the morning and I'm still awake, pondering on important questions in life such as why on earth are there people who think Lil Wayne is a good rapper. Seriously, I've tried listening to his stuff and his rhymes and I still can't find anything good about it. He has no flow (unless you call the way a mud-filled sludge river flows smooth), no skills, and he doesn't even have much witticism. I am confuzzled as to why people even have to debate who would win in a freestyle battle between Lil Wayne and Eminem. Not to be biased even though I'm a hardcore fan of Mr. Mathers, but he's still the best at what he does. I know there's no such thing as best, but you know what I mean. He'd kill Weezy with just 4 bars.

Since I'm on the topic of rap music (apparently I've been told hip-hop and rap are two totally different things), I'd like to give a shout-out to all my favorite rappers out there (although I know none of them would ever read this). The list goes:

Mos Def
Talib Kweli
Vinnie Paz of Jedi Mind Tricks
Immortal Technique
Wu-Tang Clan
Lupe Fiasco

I'm going to go sleep now. Enjoy! Hip-hop's not dead! Peace.

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